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What You Need to Know About CBD if You Live in Florida

On a federal level, CBD is legal to manufacture and purchase if the THC content of the product is below 0.3 percent. THC is the compound in hemp that causes psychoactive effects when consumed. However, some states have their own laws about CBD. Some states allow it while others do not. Here in Florida, CBD is legal. It falls under the laws regarding hemp product trading standards. If you are thinking about purchasing CBD for the first time and live in Florida, there are some things you should take note of.

Recent News

CBD is allowed to be used by people residing in Florida as long as the THC content is below 0.3 percent. There is a bill that recently passed called Senate Bill 1020: State Hemp Program. This puts further restrictions on the growing of hemp in Florida. Only specific types of hemp will be grown, using specific types of seeds. It’s likely that CBD will still remain legal. This bill deals more with the people who are trying to grow hemp and get into the CBD industry. It’s an industry that is going to continue to grow over time. A lot of people are looking to make a profit from it.

Usage Statistics

CBD has become a popular treatment option for people in Florida and elsewhere. It can be used to treat a number of different conditions, including chronic pain, inflammation in the body, anxiety issues, PTSD symptoms, cancer, seizures, and many other health concerns. As with any supplement, it’s a good idea to know what you’re taking. It’s even more important to understand the laws where you live. Driving while using CBD still, unfortunately, means you might be arrested, depending on the circumstances.

The Future of CBD and Your Options

CBD isn’t going to be going away anytime soon. If it is something you’re interested in trying, then there’s no reason not to give it a go. It’s a good idea to start with a 0 percent THC product that you’ll be able to tolerate well. Starting with a lower dosage will allow you to see how you feel from the CBD after a couple of weeks. If you feel like you need a higher dosage, you can work your way up from there. There are so many different forms of CBD on the market right now. As CBD becomes more popular, there will likely be more developments coming up.

You should do a good deal of research on a CBD product before you buy it. You can even stop by retail stores in Florida to see what is available. Of course, speaking with your doctor about your plans to take CBD is important as well.