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THC Vs. CBD: The Differences, the Subtleties, and the Legality


What's natural and has been shown to relieve pain, anxiety, soreness, inflammation, stress, anxiety, skin issues, epilepsy, and so much more?

Answer: it's CBD. Bonus: it's totally legal everywhere.

So, what's the difference between THC and CBD? CBD isn't going to get you high.

What is CBD?

CBD stands for cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are plant products extracted from hemp or marijuana plants. They give the plants the qualities they are so well-known for: getting high.

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the most well-known cannabinoid -- that's what gets users "high." CBD, however, has no intoxicating effects. CBD is derived from hemp, which is totally legal when sourced correctly.

In short, CBD is a naturally-occurring chemical compound which is reported to have medicinal qualities.

What is the Difference Between CBD and THC?

The first part of understanding the difference between CBD and THC is understanding the difference between hemp and marijuana. Both plants are cannabis plants, but they are vastly different. Hemp and marijuana are from the same species, but their uses differ from one another on a large scale.

Marijuana vs Hemp

Marijuana's concentration of THC generally checks in at 15-40%, where hemp is less than a half percent. Hemp is used in industrial environments: it can make rope, paper, fuel, ink, plastics, and so much more. Conversely, marijuana doesn't have nearly as many uses. The hemp industry is a billion-dollar industry, and it's growing every day.

CBD's medicinal qualities were discovered in the 1940s after marijuana was made illegal. It was in the 1980s that CBD was found to be helpful in treating epilepsy. This opened the door to further research surrounding what CBD could do.

The Stigma Surrounding Cannabis Use

There is a lot of stigma surrounding THC and CBD. The early stigma was the result of racism and prejudiced views of others. Users were made out to be criminals who were capable of rape, murder, and other violent crimes. 

Contrary to belief, cannabis has a long, storied history of use not only as a psychoactive stimulant, but has been used in history and across a number of cultures as a medicine. Cannabis has been used in the past as an anticonvulsant, to treat depression, and even as an analgesic.

Marijuana was made illegal in 1937, as a result of the Marijuana Tax Act. Marijuana was further stigmatized and demonized by propaganda that worked to instill fear. This propaganda scared people into believing they would fall victim to "reefer madness," which would drive marijuana users to commit violent crimes.

Other Uses for CBD

Not only has CBD been found to relieve symptoms in humans, but it also works for pets. Although there aren't scientific studies outlining these claims, even some veterinarians are on board for CBD usage. CBD has been said to treat seizures, pain, and anxiety in our pets! It also reportedly has been found to stimulate appetite and have cardiac benefits for dogs.

How Do I Use CBD?

So, how do you use it? There is a myriad of avenues for CBD usage. CBD usage can be discreet, and since you don't get high from consuming it, you can use it any time throughout the day without fear.

For People

CBD products can be vaped (via oil cartridges), applied to the skin via lotion, taken as a pill, eaten as honey or in a salad dressing or even as candy or another edible treat, or even as a tincture. The possibilities are vast.

For Pets

Much like CBD for people, there are multiple ways CBD can be administered to pets. Oils given via medicine dropper; salves, balms, and lotions; tinctures or sprays; and edible treats infused with CBD are all available on the market for your cats and dogs.

Why Should I Try CBD?

Society is changing. Not only are more and more people accepting of recreational use of marijuana (it's totally legal in nine states!), but they're seeking out natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs. CBD might just be what you're looking for. 

Pharmaceutical companies have been lining their pockets with huge profits for years. Day after day, people are reading in the news about skyrocketing prescription drug costs and lamenting the stronghold the pharmaceutical corporations have on the population. CBD, on the other hand, is an affordable alternative. 

This is not to say that one should stop using their necessary, prescribed medication. On the contrary, CBD can be used in conjunction with prescription meds. Since there are so many ways to use it, adding CBD into your health routine should be a breeze.

Using CBD is as easy as drinking your morning coffee, or taking your daily multi-vitamin. There are so many ways to use it, and it's incredibly discreet. No one has to know you're drinking CBD coffee or applying CBD lotion.

Best of all, there is no medical card needed to reap the health benefits of this natural product. Unlike so many fad products on the market today, CBD is proven to treat rare forms of epilepsy and has also been shown to relieve pain, anxiety, and insomnia.

Use THC and CBD to Get Relief Today

What are you waiting for? THC and CBD get a bad rap, but the majority of the country is beginning to recognize the benefits (over thirty states have legalized medical marijuana, including the nine that have legalized recreational use).

There is nothing to lose by trying CBD. Want to start small? Check out some of the edible products we have available.