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CBD Nasal Spray for Fast Relief

When you first think CBD Nasal Spray you might think it is only useful for sinus allergies, but that's just the beginning. For Cannabinoids to give their benefits to us, they need to reach our bloodstream.So when you inhale a spray mist of CBD into your nasal passage you are giving CBD to your bloodstream almost instantly - without having to pass thru the digestive system. This means an ONSET time within minutes.

Why does this matter? Well with so many Americans trying CBD for the first time, and paying for good CBD by the (mg) you should know and understand what the different ways you can take CBD are. For this blog, we're only talking about Nasadol and the ONSET benefits of nasal use.

Nasal delivery of CBD results in absorption of 6-8 times as much CBD compared to oral routes, which means you can take much smaller doses for the same effects. There’s so much vascularity in the nose that the CBD goes right into the bloodstream and quickly to the brain.

Oral absorption of CBD, on the other hand, is inconsistent and slow. When you take CBD pills or swallowed drops through the stomach, the active ingredient must pass through your liver before being absorbed. This is called the first pass effect. One of the main jobs of the liver is to break up and metabolize chemicals in our blood. The veins that drain our stomach and small intestine, the main areas of absorption, drain directly to the liver for immediate degradation. That slows down and diminishes orally administered CBD effects considerably, and requires much larger dosing, which can add to the cost to you as the patient.

We say cut the liver out as the middleman! The nose offers immediate systemic absorption. That means faster and more efficient relief for you.

Nasal delivery of CBD is 6-8 times more efficient than taking oral tablets. Nasal delivery also results in the most efficient transfer to the brain where you want the effects.

Much less CBD is needed when taken nasally compared to all other routes of administration.

Nasadol solved the problem of converting pure, pharmaceutical grade CBD isolate into a nano particle water soluble form and packaged it into a refreshing saline nasal mist! Water soluble CBD in the nose is immediately and efficiently absorbed, and directly transferred to within the brain. When you spray Nasadol into your nose, you will start to feel the health effects of our precise dosing right away.

What is so special about taking CBD in a nasal spray?

Numerous studies have shown the advantages of intranasal drug delivery systems. When medicine is delivered in an absorbable form to the nasal mucosa, it is absorbed and transferred directly to the brain via two cranial nerves; the Olfactory Nerve and the Trigeminal Nerve. The nose also has a robust vascular supply that also absorbs and delivers medicines directly to the brain. CBD has been shown to cross the nasal membrane as fast as 30 seconds.

Oral, inhaled, and topical delivery systems of CBD result in diluted dosages. Oral dosing is also subject to “first pass” degradation in the liver. This results in about 50% reduction in a medications effective dose before it gets into the general circulation. Nasadol CBD nasal sprays bypass first pass metabolism. That’s why you need much lower doses of Nasadol to achieve effective brain levels.

How do I use Nasadol nasal sprays?
Nasadol nasal sprays are easy to use. Twist off the cap from the bottle at the tamper-evident seal. Shake the bottle and place the spray nozzle barely into your nostril. Compress the sprayer. Let the fine mist find you! Sniff gently. Don’t snort. Snorting hurts and can inflame your sinuses. And, snorting will draw the mist down to your throat where it won’t do as much good. A slight sting or warmth shortly after use is normal and harmless. Don’t share Nasadol or any nasal spray. Sharing could spread infections.

How often can I use Nasadol?
You can use Nasadol as often as you need, or enjoy it. While you can’t overdoes, CBD has a therapeutic range unique to you. We suggest starting with one gentle sniff in each nostril 2 times a day, at least ½ hour apart, and increasing the frequency up to 4-6 times daily as you need.

Disclaimer: Nasadol has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

Contains no THC.

Shake, don't share. 

Sniff, don't snort

  •  Original 200mg bottle delivers 1mg CBD per spray. This formulation contains hints of vanilla and menthol. 200 sprays per bottle